UserFrosting API

FormValidationAdapter extends ClientSideValidationAdapter

FormValidationAdapter Class.

Loads validation rules from a schema and generates client-side rules compatible with the FormValidation JS plugin.


Alex Weissman (

Table of Contents

$schema RequestSchemaInterface
$translator Translator
rules() Generate and return the validation rules for this specific validation adapter. mixed
formValidationRulesJson() Generate FormValidation compatible rules from the specified RequestSchema, as a JSON document. string|array
formValidationRulesHtml5() Generate FormValidation compatible rules from the specified RequestSchema, as HTML5 `data-*` attributes. array
transformValidator() Transform a validator for a particular field into one or more FormValidation rules. mixed
html5Attributes() Transform a validator for a particular field into a string of FormValidation rules as HTML data-* attributes. mixed
__construct() Create a new client-side validator. mixed
setSchema() Set the schema for this validator. mixed
setTranslator() Set the translator for this validator, as a valid MessageTranslator object. mixed
rules() Generate and return the validation rules for this specific validation adapter. mixed




Generate and return the validation rules for this specific validation adapter.

public rules( [ $format : mixed = 'json' ] [, $stringEncode : mixed = true ] ) : mixed

This method returns a collection of rules, in the format required by the specified plugin.

$format : mixed = 'json'

The format in which to return the rules. For example, "json" or "html5".

$stringEncode : mixed = true

In the case of JSON rules, specify whether or not to encode the result as a serialized JSON string.

Return values

The validation rule collection.


Generate FormValidation compatible rules from the specified RequestSchema, as a JSON document.

public formValidationRulesJson( [ $encode : bool = true ] ) : string|array

See this as an example of what this function will generate.

$encode : bool = true

Specify whether to return a PHP array, or a JSON-encoded string.

Return values

Returns either the array of rules, or a JSON-encoded representation of that array.


Generate FormValidation compatible rules from the specified RequestSchema, as HTML5 `data-*` attributes.

public formValidationRulesHtml5( ) : array

See Setting validator options via HTML attributes as an example of what this function will generate.

Return values

Returns an array of rules, mapping field names -> string of data-* attributes, separated by spaces. Example: data-fv-notempty data-fv-notempty-message="The gender is required".


Transform a validator for a particular field into one or more FormValidation rules.

protected transformValidator( $fieldName : string , $validatorName : string , $validator : string[] ) : mixed
$fieldName : string
$validatorName : string
$validator : string[]
Return values


Transform a validator for a particular field into a string of FormValidation rules as HTML data-* attributes.

public html5Attributes( $validator : string[] , $prefix : string ) : mixed
$validator : string[]
$prefix : string
Return values


Set the translator for this validator, as a valid MessageTranslator object.

public setTranslator( $translator : Translator ) : mixed
$translator : Translator

A Translator to be used to translate message ids found in the schema.

Return values


Generate and return the validation rules for this specific validation adapter.

public abstract rules( [ $format : string = 'json' ] [, $stringEncode : bool = true ] ) : mixed

This method returns a collection of rules, in the format required by the specified plugin.

$format : string = 'json'

The format in which to return the rules. For example, "json" or "html5".

$stringEncode : bool = true

In the case of JSON rules, specify whether or not to encode the result as a serialized JSON string.

Return values

The validation rule collection.

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