Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- ActivitiesTable
- Sessions table migration
Version 4.0.0.
- GroupsTable
- Groups table migration
"Group" now replaces the notion of "primary group" in earlier versions of UF. A user can belong to exactly one group.
- PasswordResetsTable
- password_resets table migration
Manages requests for password resets.
- PermissionRolesTable
- Permission_roles table migration
Many-to-many mapping between permissions and roles.
- PermissionsTable
- Permissions table migration
Permissions now replace the 'authorize_group' and 'authorize_user' tables.
- PersistencesTable
- Persistences table migration
Many-to-many mapping between roles and users.
- RolesTable
- Roles table migration
Roles replace "groups" in UF 0.3.x. Users acquire permissions through roles.
- RoleUsersTable
- Role_users table migration
Many-to-many mapping between roles and users.
- UsersTable
- Users table migration
Removed the 'display_name', 'title', 'secret_token', and 'flag_password_reset' fields, and added first and last name and 'last_activity_id'.
- VerificationsTable
- Verifications table migration
Manages requests for email account verification.